Korejský salát kimchi

3 hodnocenísnadné
Sdílet Označení


na porce

  • tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon pickling salt 6 cups water 3
  • lbs. Chinese (Napa) cabbage, cut into 2-inch squares 2
  • scallions, cut into 2-inch lengths, then slivered 6
  • tablespoons minced fresh ginger 1,5
  • tablespoons Korean ground dried hot pepper (or other mildly hot ground red pepper) 2
  • teaspoon sugar 1


1 1. Dissolve the 3 tablespoons salt in the water. Put the cabbage into a large bowl, a crock, or a nonreactive pot, and pour the brine over it. Weight the cabbage down with a plate. Let the cabbage stand for 12 hours.
2 2. Drain the cabbage, reserving the brine. Mix the cabbage with the remaining ingredients, including the 1 teaspoon salt. Pack the mixture into a 2-quart jar. Pour enough of the reserved brine over the cabbage to cover it. Push a freezer bag into the mouth of the jar, and pour the remaining brine into the bag. Seal the bag. Let the kimchi ferment in a cool place, at a temperature no higher than 68° F, for 3 to 6 days,until the kimchi is as sour as you like.
3 3. Remove the brine bag, and cap the jar tightly. Store the kimchi in the refrigerator, where it will keep for months.

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