Mediterranean tomato salad

Mediterranean tomato salad
0 hodnocení00:08
Sdílet Označení


na porce

  • medium tomatoes 4
  • large cucumber, peeled, halved lengthwise, seeded and thinly sliced 1
  • cup celery 1
  • (2,25 ounces) can ripe olives 1
  • green onions 2
  • tablespoon fresh parsley 3
  • cloves garlic 2
  • tablespoon CROSSE & BLACKWELL Mint Sauce 3
  • tablespoon olive oil 2
  • teaspoon salt 0,25
  • teaspoon black pepper 0,25


1 COMBINE tomatoes, cucumber, celery, olives, green onions, parsley and garlic in a mixing bowl.
2 COMBINE mint sauce, oil, salt and pepper in a separate bowl.
3 Pour over tomato mixture; toss to coat.
4 Refrigerate until ready to serve

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