Pineapple and Grapefruit Frappe

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na porce

  • This recipe works with just about any fruit or combination of your choice because the principle is so basic. A frappe is basically a cross between a granita (like an icy Slush Puppy) and a smooth sorbet. As both pineapples and grapefruits can vary so much
  • in natural sweetness, add the sugar to your own taste
  • ripe pineapples, peeled and roughly chopped 2
  • grapefruits, halved and juiced 3
  • Sugar, to taste


1 Whizz up the pineapple in a liquidizer until smooth and pass through a course sieve. Add the grapefruit juice and stir in sugar to taste, remembering that the sweetness from the sugar will lessen slightly when frozen, so to use a touch more than you normally would. Place in the freezer for around 2,5 hours to set, stirring every 45 minutes.

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