Čočkový sambar

0 hodnocenísnadné
Sdílet Označení


na porce

  • cup dried lentils 1
  • cups water 3
  • medium onion 1
  • head cauliflower 1
  • sweet potatoes 2
  • red bell pepper 1
  • teaspoons vegetable oil 2
  • teaspoon mustard seeds 1
  • teaspoon fenugreek seeds 0,5
  • teaspoon cumin seed 1
  • teaspoon turmeric 1
  • teaspoon ground coriander 1
  • teaspoon ground cinnamon 1
  • teaspoon cayenne 0,25
  • fresh green chili pepper, minced,seeds removed for a milder hot 1
  • tablespoon tamarind paste, dissolved in 1
  • cup hot water 1
  • teaspoon salt 1
  • 2-3 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro
  • cooked brown basmati rice
  • mango peach chutney
  • nonfat yogurt (optional)


1 # Rinse the lentils, place them in a small saucepan with the 3 cups of water, and bring them to a boil.
2 #
3 2
4 Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for 45 to 60 minutes, until tender.
5 #
6 3
7 Stir occasionally, adding more water if neccessary.
8 #
9 4
10 While the lentils are cooking, chop the onion, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and bell pepper into bite-sied pieces and set aside.
11 #
12 5
13 Warm the oil in a pot and saute the mustard, fenugreek, and cumin seeds on medium heat, covering the pot and shaking it occasionally to prevent burning.
14 #
15 6
16 When the mustard seeds begin to pop, stir in the turmeric, coriander, cinnamom, cayenne, and chopped chile and saute for another 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
17 #
18 7
19 Stir in the tamarind liquid, then add the onions, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and salt and combine.
20 #
21 8
22 Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
23 #
24 9
25 Add the bell peppers, cover, and continue to cook until all of the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes.
26 #
27 10
28 Drain the cooked lentils and stir them into the vegetable mixture.
29 #
30 11
31 Reheat if neccessary, then stir in the cilantro.
32 #
33 12
34 Ladle over basmati rice and serve with Mango Peach Chutney and a generous dollop of yogurt,if desired.

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