My Mums Spottier Dick

0 hodnocení03:15
Sdílet Označení


na porce

  • ounces (115 grams) suet 4
  • ounces (120 grams) dried apricots, chopped 4,5
  • ounces (240 grams) raisins or sultanas 8
  • orange, zested 1
  • ounces (120 grams) plain flour 4,5
  • ounces (120 grams) sugar 4,5
  • ounces (120 grams) bread crumbs 4,5
  • tablespoons grated ginger (or to taste) 2
  • Pinch grated nutmeg
  • Pinch salt
  • egg, beaten 1
  • pint (140 millilitres) milk 1


1 Grease a 3-pint (1 liter) pudding basin. Mix all the ingredients together, except the egg and milk. Add the beaten egg and milk and mix well. (I do this in a mixer but you can do it by hand, no problem).
2 Put the mixture in the basin, cover with tin foil or a cloth, and put the basin in a pan with water half-way up the sides of the basin. Bring the water to a boil, put on a tight-fitting lid, and simmer for 3 hours, remembering to top up with (add more) boiling water now and then.

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