Rizoto s opečeným fenyklem

0 hodnocenísnadné
Sdílet Označení


na porce

  • onion, finely chopped 1
  • garlic clove, finely chopped 2
  • tablespoons olive oil 2
  • teaspoon fennel seed 1
  • teaspoon dried tarragon 1
  • teaspoon dried dill 0,5
  • fluid ounces dry white wine or vermouth 3
  • ounces risotto rice (arborio or carnaroli) 9
  • teaspoon saffron, crushed (optional) 0,5
  • tablespoon olive oil 1
  • large fennel bulb, trimmed and chopped 1
  • 1,5-1,75 pints hot vegetable stock (use a light stock e.g. made with Marigold bouillon powder)
  • seasoning
  • tablespoon vegan margarine 1
  • tablespoon vegan parmesan cheese, plus extra to serve (e.g. Parmazano) 1


1 Pre-heat the oven to 200°C.
2 2
3 Sweat the onion in the oil till softening then add the garlic, fennel seeds and herbs and sweat for a further two minutes.
4 3
5 Add the rice (and saffron, if using), stirring to coat with oil, then the wine or vermouth.
6 4
7 Stir till almost absorbed, then begin adding stock, about a ladle (1 pint) at a time, stirring regularly till almost absorbed.
8 5
9 Meanwhile, toss the fennel in the olive oil and a little seasoning and place in a roasting tin in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes until just cooked.
10 6
11 Continue adding all the stock to the rice as described until used up and the rice feels cooked.
12 7
13 Season to taste, perhaps erring on the side of caution.
14 8
15 At this point, add the roasted fennel, along with the margarine and Parmazano and stir through till melted and incorporated.
16 9
17 Check seasoning again - it´ll probably be OK now - and serve on warm plates, passing pepper and more Parmazano.


Roast fennel risotto

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