Základní kari omáčka

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na porce

  • Ingredients
  • • 2 medium size onions (approximately 300 gm.), peeled and roughly chopped
  • • 0,5 inch piece of ginger, peeled
  • • 2-3 cloves of garlic (optional), peeled
  • • 2 medium tomatoes (approximately 80 gm. each), chopped finely or 200 gm. tinned tomatoes
  • • 2-3 tbs. cooking oil
  • • 1 tsp. cumin seeds*See notes
  • • A small pinch of asafoetida (don´t worry, if you don´t have this)
  • • 0,5 tsp. turmeric powder (too much makes the curry bitter)
  • • 0,25 tsp. chilli powder (adjust to taste)
  • • 1,5 tsp. of coriander powder
  • • Salt to taste
  • • 0,5 tsp. Garam Masala
  • • 2 tbs. fresh coriander leaves, chopped


1 1. Wash and grind onions, ginger and garlic together in a food processor or chop finely by hand or grate.
2 2. Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and a pinch of asafoetida powder. Let the seeds splutter.
3 3. Add onion, ginger and garlic and fry until golden to medium-dark brown (not burnt).
4 4. Add all powdered spices, except garam masala and stir for 10 seconds, to release flavours.
5 5. Add tomatoes and stir fry until oil separates from the mass. For a more professional taste, add a tsp. water and stir-fry again until oil separates. Repeat once more.
6 6. Stir in garam masala. This should be ideally added to the finished dish, at the end of cooking.
7 7. Salt and chillies should be adjusted to your own taste, remembering that this curry sauce has to be added to the main curry ingredient, so it has to be stronger at this stage than the finished curry.
8 8. Cool, bottle or place in other airtight containers and chill or freeze. It must be defrosted and heated before adding the meat or vegetables.
9 9. Heat the required amount until oil comes off the mass again, add meat/chicken/vegetables of choice and stir frying for a few minutes. In case of meat, until it is sealed and in case of vegetables until they are well coated.
10 10. Add water if you require a gravy. If cooked on medium heat, most meats, chicken and green vegetables will release some water of their own. So add a little water at a time, if you don’t want to make your curry too runny.
11 11. When the meat/vegetables is cooked, turn heat off, sprinkle garam masala and chopped coriander leaves. Close the lid and leave the flavours of garam masala ingredients to infuse.
12 Postačí asi na 0,5 kg masa * kuřecí , vepřové , nebo zeleniny .

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