Letné ovocie alebo Prosecco Jelly
1 Divide the ripe fruit into 9 small glasses. Place all the glasses on a tray and chill in the refrigerator.
2 Soak the gelatine leaves in some cold water for a minute, then drain, and add the gelatine back to the bowl with the cordial. Rest above a pan of water over a medium heat and stir constantly until the gelatine and cordial become syrupy.
3 At this point you can add sugar, stir until dissolved, then remove the bowl from the heat, and let it sit at room temperature for a minute or two.
4 Remove the chilled Prosecco and chilled fruit from the refrigerator. The idea being that the fruit molds and Prosecco are all chilled, so the bubbles stay in the jelly when it sets and they fizz in your mouth when you eat it.
5 Pour the Prosecco into the cordial mix, then divide between the glasses over your fruit. Some of the fruit might rise to the top, so using your finger, just push the fruit down into the jelly mix so that it is sealed and will then keep well in the refrigerator.
6 Place in the refrigerator for an hour to set.
7 To serve, dip the glass in to a bowl of hot water to loosen the outside of the jelly, then turn it out onto a plate.
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